what i’ve noticed i touch a lot
#TODO add apps and tools and for each tool document why i use it, the data it contains, workflow purposes, etc
what i have
Not everything here I necessarily use all the time. i either have it installed, i’ve purchased it
- raycast
- dotfiles
- devon
- devonsphere express
- devonthink 3 pro
- bettertouchtool
- setapp
- streamdeck
- macbook
- vscode
- github
- typingmind
- hammerspoon
- alfred
- i can’t not have at least 10 tabs open in 6 different windows among 3 different profiles.
- search engines
- wishes
- group by domain
- advanced query builder
- thumbs up/down icons for visited search results
- wishes
- conflicting keyboard shortcuts
- #implemented solutions
- little to no process
- where i put things and why
- cross device
- working docs
- i feel like stuff in progress and related documentation or tools gets forgotten about or lost
- impulse purchases
- ive bought a lot of premium apps in the past and ive forgotten about them
- too many apps on a lot of my devices
- why? because i figure if i see it in front of me, it’ll get me to want to take action like evaluate it but theres so much clutter that my brain has decided its more efficient to ignore
overwhelming clutter
- cloud storage
- messy
- idk whats in there. i just drop shit in there sometimes and it never gets revisited
- reading lists
- raindrop
- safari
- chrome
- notifications , inundated by them so my brain ignores them. and when my brain does this, i tend to miss the actually important stuff
- inbox zero
- notifications
- todos
- read
- reading lists
- books
- learn
- dick around projects
- somastack operations
- capture
- til
- analog diary
- voice memos
- maintenance
- review
- clean up
- purge
- archive
- backlog grooming
- transfer rolled over todos
- planning
- annual goals
- monthly ⇒ weekly ⇒ daily
- recurring tasks
- reflect
- what i learned
- what i figured out
- what i built
- how i did things
- Reduce tool count
- centralize data and processes
- for times there are multiple process or data touch points (different ways to capture in different places)
- todos and reminders
- i forget where to find the actively relevant ones sometimes because they exist in
- onenote
- handwritten sources
- obsidian
- apple reminders
- consider an implementation process for integrating tools used for the same process.
- master view?
- syncing between tools, like anything captured as a todo in obsidian is created as a reminder in apple reminders
- i forget where to find the actively relevant ones sometimes because they exist in
- todos and reminders
- create a task backlog
#TODO track what i have used and why i decided to stop using it, point to what the new thing is #TODO where is all the forgotten about data?